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A circuit with an ideal $\text{OPAMP}$ is shown. The Bode plot for the magnitude $\text{(in dB)}$ of the gain transfer function $(A_{V} (j \omega) = V_{\text{out}} (j \omega) / V_{\text{in}} (j \omega))$ of the circuuit is also provided (here, $\omega$ is the angular frequency in $\text{rad/s}.$) The values of $R$ and $C$ are ________________.

  1. $R = 3 \; \text{k} \Omega, C = 1 \; \mu \text{F}$
  2. $R = 1 \; \text{k} \Omega, C = 3 \; \mu \text{F}$
  3. $R = 4 \; \text{k} \Omega, C = 1 \; \mu \text{F}$
  4. $R = 3 \; \text{k} \Omega, C = 2 \; \mu \text{F}$
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