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It is desired to multiply the numbers $0 \mathrm{AH}$ by $0 \mathrm{BH}$ and store the result in the accumulator. The numbers are available in registers $B$ and $C$ respectively. A Part of the $8085$ program for this purpose is given below:

$\qquad \qquad \text{MV1 A, 00H}$


$\quad \qquad\text{HLTEND}$

The sequence of instruction to the complete the program would be

  1. $\text{JNZ LOOP, ADD B, DCR C}$
  2. $\text{ADD B, JNZ LOOP, DCR C}$
  3. $\text{DCR C, JNZ LOOP, ADD B}$
  4. $\text{ADD B, DCR C, JNZ LOOP}$
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