0 answers
The general form of the complementary function of a differential equation is given by $y(t)=(A t+B) e^{-2 t}$, where $A$ and $B$ are real constants determined by the init...
0 answers
​​​​​In the context of Bode magnitude plots, $40 \mathrm{~dB} /$ decade is the same as $\_\_\_\_\_\_.$$12 \mathrm{~dB} /$ octave$6 \mathrm{~dB} /$ octave$20 \ma...
0 answers
​​​​In the circuit below, assume that the long channel $\text{NMOS}$ transistor is biased in saturation. The small signal trans-conductance of the transistor is $...
0 answers
​​​​For the Boolean function\[F(A, B, C, D)=\sum m(0,2,5,7,8,10,12,13,14,15) \text {, }\]the essential prime implicants are $\_\_\_\_\_\_$.$B D, \bar{B} \bar{D}$$...
0 answers
​​​​For non-degenerately doped n-type silicon, which one of the following plots represents the temperature $(T)$ dependence of free electron concentration $(n)$ ?...
0 answers
In a number system of base $r$, the equation $x^{2}-12 x+37=0$ has $x=8$ as one of its solutions. The value of $r$ is $\_\_\_\_\_\_\_$.
0 answers
In the given circuit, the current $I_{x}$ (in $m A$ ) is $\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_$.
0 answers
In the circuit given below, the switch $\text{S}$ was kept open for a sufficiently long time and is closed at time $t=0$. The time constant (in seconds) of the circuit fo...
0 answers
Suppose $\text{X}$ and $\text{Y}$ are independent and identically distributed random variables that are distributed uniformly in the interval $[0,1]$. The probability tha...
0 answers
A source transmits symbols from an alphabet of size $16$. The value of maximum achievable entropy (in bits) is $\_\_\_\_\_\_$.