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Consider the function

\[f(y)=\int_{1}^{y} \frac{1}{1+x^{2}} d x-\log _{e}(1+y)\]

where $\log _{e}(x)$ denotes the natural logarithm of $x$.

Which of the following is true:

  1. The function $f(y)$ is non-positive for all $y \geq 1$.
  2. The function $f(y)$ first increases and then decreases with $y$ for $y \geq 1$.
  3. The function $f(y)$ first decreases and then increases with $y$ for $y \geq 1$.
  4. The function $f(y)$ oscillates infinitely often between negative and positive value for $y \geq 1$.
  5. The derivative of function $f(y)$ does not exist at $y=1$.
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