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There are $3$ Indians and $3$ Chinese in a group of $6$ people. How many subgroups of this group can we choose so that every subgroup has at least one Indian?$56$$52$$48$...
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The clock frequency of an $8085$ microprocessor is $5$ MHz . If the time required to execute an instruction is $1.4 \: \mu s$, then the number of T-states needed for exec...
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Consider the 5 $\times$ 5 matrix$$\begin{bmatrix} 1&2&3&4&5\\ 5&1 &2& 3 &4\\ 4&5&1&2&3\\ 3&4&5&1&2\\ 2&3&4&5&1 \end{bmatrix}$$It is given that A has only one real eigenv...
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The rank of the matrix $$\textbf{M} = \begin{bmatrix} 5&10&10 \\ 1 &0 &2 \\ 3&6&6 \end{bmatrix}$$ is$0$$1$$2$$3$
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I __________ made arrangements had I _________informed earlier.could have, beenwould have, beinghad, havehad been, been
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In the circuit shown, the positive angular frequency $\omega$ (in radians per second) at which the magnitude of the phase difference between the voltages $V_1$ and $V_2$ ...