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The $Z$-transform of $\{x(n)\}$ is defined as $X(z)=\sum_{n} x(n) z^{-n}$ (for those $z$ for which the series converges). Let $u(n)=1$ for $n \geq 0$ and $u(n)=0$ for $n<0$. The inverse $Z$-transform of $X(z)=$ $\log (1-a z),|z|<1 / a$ is

  1. $a^{n} u(n-1) / n$
  2. $a^{-n} u(-n-1) / n$
  3. If $|a|<1$, then the answer is (a), otherwise the inverse is not well-defined
  4. If $|a|<1$, then the answer is (b), otherwise the inverse is not well-defined
  5. None of the above
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