0 answers
For the circuit shown in the figure, P and Q are the inputs and Y is the output.The logic implemented by the circuit isXNOR XORNOROR
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Five JK flip-flops are cascaded to form the circuit shown in Figure. Clock pulses at a frequency of $1\: MHz$ are applied as shown. The frequency $(\text{in}\:kHz)$ of th...
0 answers
The circuit shown in the figure is a Toggle Flip FlopJK Flip FlopSR LatchMaster-Slave D Flip Flop
0 answers
The outputs of the two flip-flops $Q1$, $Q2$ in the figure shown are initialized to $0,0$. The sequence generated at $Q1$ upon application of clock signal is $01110 \dots...
0 answers
In the circuit shown, $I_1=80$ mA and $I_2=4$ mA. Transistors $T_1$ and $T_2$ are identical. Assume that the thermal voltage $V_T$ is $26$ mV at $27^{\circ}C$. At $50^{\c...
0 answers
The state transition diagram for the logic circuit shown is
0 answers
The figure shows a binary counter with synchronous clear input. With the decoding logic shown, the counter works as a mod-$2$ counter mod-$4$ counter mod-$5$ counter mod-...
0 answers
A mod-$n$ counter using a synchronous binary up-counter with synchronous clear input is shown in the figure. The value of $n$ is _______.